Thursday, October 28, 2010


Dimanche. 26 Septembre 2010

Who would have thought I would begin to like, enjoy, consume, savor... ?
What?! Gross - but, it's okay. I've come to terms with the simple fact that when my pharmacist asks me to eat dinner with her, and she happily announces it will be tô, I don't shrivel away and try to wiggle out of dinner plans, instead, I accept with a really big, genuine smile.

I guess you could say I kinda like it.
But I will confirm this one, true fact: it all depends on the sauce.

Aside from this love of tô, and to fight the effects of that awful empty carb...I have started working out. Check!
  • 20+ lunges
  • 20+ sit ups
  • 15 push ups
  • 20+ crunches
  • 30sec. plank
  • 100+ jump rope
  • +50 on each leg
  • 50 calf raises
  • 20+ scissor kicks
  • 30sec. hold
My goal is to be able to do 30 push ups at one time and 100 sit-ups and 100 crunches at one time. I want to do a marathon in the hot season this upcoming year (2011). Don't know how to sign up or the exact length of the run - but I know I've got to start running again! My route to the main goudron is 7 km one way. Let's start there. I'm really excited.

Aside from all this excitement, and completely not related to the topics above (but very well could be in a very 'round the bush way): I need to find out what the biggest health issue is here.
Palu? Malnutrition? Upper Respiratory Infection?

I've got to talk to people.
In what language....?
good question.


  1. So what the heck is to? I don't have a spiffy key to put the thingamajig over the o....
    Keep up that work-out, and don't get too hard on yourself if you fall out of routine at times. The important thing is you keep getting back at it...

  2. Yes, what is "To"? This is confusing to me. I hope the health issues you listed weren't in reguard to yourself. I'm so happy I have blogs to read!!! They are like letters. Except I don't get any of those!!!!! You should def do a marathon! You would kick arse.
